Business Profile

Taking advantage of its measurement and control technology, the azbil Group pursues "human-centered automation" as its core initiative for the purpose of contributing to people's safety, comfort, and fulfillment, as well as preserving the Earth's environment. Azbil is expanding its businesses in the areas of building automation, advanced automation for factories and plants, and life automation for essential services and people’s health and well-being. To further the company's growth, it is also expanding actively in overseas markets.

Building Automation Business

We develop and manufacture an extensive range of building automation products, from application software to controllers, valves and sensors, ensuring the high functionality and quality of our building automation systems. Our products and services are provided through an integrated framework, ranging from instrumentation design to sales, engineering, maintenance, energy-saving solutions, and facility operation and management. We also apply original environmental technologies that create business and production spaces where people can work efficiently and in comfort, and that contribute to reducing environmental impact.

Building Automation

Case Studies

Advanced Automation Business

We solve problems at factories, plants, and a variety of other production sites by providing products, solutions, instrumentation, engineering and maintenance services to support optimal operation of our customers' facilities and equipment throughout their life cycle. Through collaboration with the people involved in production, we develop advanced measurement and control technologies, strive to realize production sites where workers can safely develop their skills, and create new value for our customers.

Advanced Automation

Case Studies

Life Automation Business

Providing friendly and attentive service related to living environments, essential utilities like gas and water, life sciences research, the pharmaceutical and medical fields, and other areas, we help people to peace of mind by applying measurement, control, and metering technologies developed over many years in the building, plant, factory, and utilities infrastructure fields. Life Automation helps to ensure fairness and accuracy in market sales, metering, and billing of utilities; provides peace of mind, health, and comfort in people’s residences; and achieves safe and highly productive environments in pharmaceutical plants, research facilities, and hospitals.

City Gas&LP Gas, Water Equipment (Azbil Kimmon Co., Ltd.)

Solutions for Pharmaceutical Production

Central Air Conditioning
Central air conditioning keeps the whole house at comfortable temperature all year round. With an electronic air cleaner, air throughout the house is kept clean, providing a living environment that is healthy and comfortable.